Saturday, August 1, 2009

Meadow Creek school preparations...

I hope everyone is having a great summer so far! I want to update you on what's been going on this last week.

We had a very successful registration day on July 30th at Meadow Creek! Andrea Ballard brought table decorations from Mexico to help make the table stand out. She also took the morning shift to help inform parents. Thank you Andrea!

Many of our parents came to the SI table to check out what was going on. It was great seeing you all!

One of our major goals was to get an updated e-mail distribution list, and we succeeded. 57% of our parents confirmed or changed their email addresses. We now have over half of the incoming Meadow Creek 1st grade class email addresses. We should be able to get the word out on any validated news that we get ahold of.

Parents had a chance to read over the petition that Andrea created, and many signed hoping that we will be able to bridge the communication gap between parents and the school administration.

Copies of the Booster Club By-laws were also on hand for review, and many people expressed interest in having a copy emailed to them. If you would like me to do so, please contact me. (I am still trying to see if I can post a copy on this site, but it's not looking good.)
My current plan is to have a By-law Committee meeting in the first half of September to get this ball rolling again. I will post the date here and in an e-mail about 2 weeks before the meeting. Hopefully that will give everyone time to get a little settled into school life again.

Lastly, at the SI table we had copies of Mr. Wagner's letter that were mailed home to the incoming 5th and 6th grade parents regarding the 6th grade curriculum. The first grade parents were very interested to see what was developing down the pipe, and the sixth grade parents had many comments and questions regarding next years developments. I have e-mailed Mr. Wagner as requested with 6th grade parents concerns and requests. I hope to have a response in the next week, which I will then forward on to 6th grade parents. I'll keep you updated.

Beyond that, we had something unexpected happen. We had several incoming Kindergarten parents come by our table who would like to be kept updated on any future meetings the district will have to get into the program. This is an area where I hope the future booster club will be able to help incoming and interested parents about the program. The word is out there, but not all of the pertinent information is easy to find on the HEB ISD website according to these parents. Opportunity knocks!

Other Meadow Creek news...
We have a new vice-principal this year. Her name is Karie Kuster, and she is coming to us from Wilshire Elementary. Apparently she and Mr. Leonard have traded locations this year. You will also find a new counselor, and her name is Renata Mahoney-Shepherd.

Also, if you went to the carnival last fall, hopefully your family had as good a time as ours did. It raised so many funds last year, that they are only holding two fundraisers this year. The main fundraiser will be the carnival, and it will be held on October 24th. Save the date, and any volunteers will be most welcomed by Gina Skinner. Contact her if you are able to volunteer.

Well, that's all I have to report right now. Hope you all have a great summer!

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